
Important! - Read entire instructions before proceeding. If any of it does not make sense or is not in your skillset please have an experienced technician perform the install. Exhaust systems and other vehicle components get extremely hot! Only perform work when vehicle and engine have cooled to room temperature.

Some of these instructions may not be necessary if you're secondary came complete.

Tools required:

  • BMP Primary Clutch Puller
  • 1/8” Allen Wrench
  • Small Pry Bar or Large Screwdriver
  • Snap Ring Pliers (on non-assembled secondary clutches)
  • Socket Set
  • #25 Torx Wrench (on non-assembled secondary clutches)
  • Wrench Set
  • Clutch Compression Tool (on non-assembled secondary clutches)
  1. Bikeman Performance Plus assumes no responsibility for damage or injury of any kind because of misuse, improper installation or improper application of any parts in any way, by any person. Contact your local dealer to schedule installation of this kit if you are not a qualified UTV mechanic.1. Remove the key from the ignition and locate your clutch cover. Remove necessary components to access and remove this cover. RZR 800 models are located behind the seats. RZR 900 clutches are located near the driver-side shock.
  2. Remove the clutch cover bolts. Some machines have a clutch tool in the tool kit to spread open the secondary clutch (clutch on the transmission) and loosen the belt. If you don’t have this tool a large flat head screwdriver will world also. There are two plastic washers on the secondary clutch, insert the tool into that opening and gently pry out on the clutch. Be careful not to damage the plastic roller. When the clutch opens the belt should slide down in the clutch and loosen the belt tension.
  3. Remove the primary clutch (clutch on the engine), retaining bolts, and washers. Using the correct BMP Primary Clutch Puller. Thread the puller in by hand and tighten with a wrench until the clutch pops off the shaft, you will need to hold the clutch from rotating with a small bar or large screwdriver. Remove the clutch. If the clutch does not come loose, use an impact driver may be used but is not recommended.
  4. Notice the printing on the cover of the primary clutch and the “X” stamped into the spider along with the moveable sheave. These are alignment marks from the factory and must line up when you reassemble the clutch. Remove the six outside bolts from the cover evenly to prevent bushing damage, set the cover and stock spring aside. USE CAUTION as the cover is under a slight amount of spring tension. If your kit comes with weights use a 1/8” Allen wrench and a 3/8” wrench or socket to remove the pin holding the weights on the clutch. Remove weights and check pin for wear. Install new weights, be sure to follow the weight setup instruction sheet first if you have adjustable weights.
  5. Clean all clutches with a rag and contact/brake cleaner however, do not spray the rollers and or bushings.
  6. Install the correct primary spring and make sure the “X’s” line up when installing the cover. Tighten the six outer bolts evenly so the cover goes on straight to prevent damage. Be aware that other primary springs are available to raise or lower engagement if needed.
  7. Remove the secondary clutch by removing the center clutch bolt and sliding it off the splined shaft. When the clutch does come off pay attention to the shims behind the clutch on the shaft. These shims affect the clutch alignment, if they slide off the shaft be sure to put them back on. Some machines will not have shims.
  8. Place the clutch face down so the four Torx bolts/helix are facing up. Remove the four Torx bolts. Pull up on the helix to remove. Note the orientation of the two rollers. Use a TEAM clutch compression tool to compress the spring, then remove the c-clip. Release the compression tool and remove the spring assembly. Install the BMP secondary spring along with the spring retainer and c-clip. Make sure you align the top spring retainer in its correct spot on the splines. If you look one spline is twice as wide making it only go on one way. Next, install the supplied helix making sure the machined surfaces are on the rollers. The helix and clutch also have “X” marks that must line up. If your helix does not line up you can grab the rollers and twist them so the “X” will line up when the helix is installed.
  9. First, install the secondary clutch back on the machine. Install the clutch retaining bolt and tighten. Loop the belt over the secondary clutch with the numbers reading left to right and use the clutch tool or large screwdriver to slightly spread the sheaves. You need to do this to have enough belt slack to install the primary clutch. Place the primary clutch through the belt and on the crankshaft. Torque the primary clutch bolt to factory specs which should be 75 ft/lbs. You will need to use a small bar or large screwdriver to keep the clutch from rotating. With the transmission in neutral, spin the clutches to backshift the belt out to its normal idle position. Install your clutch cover and all remaining components as they were from the factory. For more help, please use your service manual or contact us.